Like a Springtime-dream, the Peachy bouquet is fun and fresh, with pink and peach roses taking centre stage. The warm and feminine style alludes to youthfulness and friendships as both green and pink carnations make their way into the display. Waxflower and greenery complete this sweet, stylish bouquet. Anybody would be overjoyed to receive this and display it proudly in their home.
Size Guide
Regular: 5x Peach Roses, 3x Pink Spray Roses, 3x Green Carnations, 3x Pink Carnations, 1/2 Bunch of Waxflower, 1/2 Bunch of Greenery skimmia
Large: 5x Peach Roses, 5x Pink Spray Roses, 3x Green Carnations, 3x Pink Carnations, 1x Bunch of Waxflower, 1x Bunch of Greenery
Deluxe: 7x Peach Roses, 7x Pink Spray Roses, 5x Green Carnations, 5x Pink Carnations, 1x Bunch of Waxflower, 1.5x Bunches of Greenery