The New Year is a time of excitement, celebration and joy which is exactly what this bouquet symbolises. Graceful pink roses and lisianthus with dreamy hydrangeas create a light and whimsical display. Crafted with astrantia, pink waxflower and plentiful greenery, the New Year Glow is the perfect gift for a loved one or yourself - no matter the time of year.
Size Guide
Regular: 3 pink roses, 3 pink lisianthus, 3 astrantia, 1 pink wax flower, 1 pink hydrangea, greenery
Large: 5 pink roses, 5 pink lisianthus, 5 pink astrantia, 2 pink wax flowers, 2 pink hydrangea, greenery
Deluxe: 7 pink roses, 7 pink lisianthus, 7 pink astrantia, 3 pink wax flowers, 3 pink hydrangea, greenery