Delicate and dainty in its appearance, the Daisy Chain bouquet is a youthful display that features a light peach and white colour palette. Cloud-like hydrangeas and white-peach roses are crafted alongside white lisianthus, veronicas and wax flowers. This dreamy yet simplistic arrangement is completed with seasonal greenery, making it a real treat for yourself or someone special. Make it a special gift and add some of the following:
Size Guide
Regular: 3 white/ peach roses, 3 white lisianthus, 3 white veronica, 1 white wax flower,1 white hydrangea, greenery
Large: 5 white/peach rose, 5 white lisianthus, 5 white veronica, 2 white wax flowers, 2 white hydrangea, greenery
Deluxe: 7 white/ peach roses, 7 white lisianthus, 7 white veronica, 3 white wax flowers, 3 white hydrangea, greenery
Customer Reviews
My mom loved it
I ordered this flowers to my mom from my dad for their anniversary, and my mom absolutely loved it, and said it was one of the most beautiful bouquets she has seen for a while. And the money value is really good, especially because pot was included with floral beads.
Roses and freesias
Lovely arrangements - lots of tight roses - well received - excellent florist
White roses
Thank you fastflowerdelivery for sending flowers to my best friend on her birthday. It was on time and she loved them! Couldn’t be more happy.
No picture of confirmation
I was sent the drivers signature as confirmation so have no idea what the arrangement looked like or if it was as picture (seeing as another arrangement ordered that day was different). Time scale of delivery was very good though
I paid extra for delivery before noon, but it came at 1210.